Mid-Summer Break

FlowerBouquet-10 FlowerBouquet-9

I'm quite impressed with how often people move and how it's like a NBD thing to them. Have you moved a lot? How do you settle in and make a place feel like home? This week, I plan on spending some time offline, relaxing, and enjoying what it means to call a new place home. Hope you have a great week!


  1. What is NBD? I love the pictures here, Tana, so cheery!

    1. Thanks, Roanna! :)

      "NBD" is short for "no big deal" In this context, I wanted to say how it's not a big deal for people who have moved a lot and how easy it must be to settle in. I moved a couple of months ago and live in a new place now and I'm still getting used to it. I suppose it will just take time.

    2. Living in new places can be fun! However, like you said, it does take time. Much as I think I'd like the whole idea of settling in new places (and discovering its delights), I've experienced it less than two times to know that it can take a good deal of time to really get accustomed to it all. Happy settling-in! :-)

  2. When I was younger my family moved around a lot. I attended two different elementary, middle and high schools. I actually enjoyed it I got to make friends all over the place and explore our new city. We haven't moved in about 4 years and thats a record for us.

    1. Oh wow! I could see that moving can definitely be very fun as a kid. It's been 4 years since the last time I moved (aside from my move a couple of months ago). Hope you're enjoying your current home! :)
